A personal journey running thirteen Half Marathons in 2013. The training, the races, the suffering and the joy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The History

August 2011 Kate registered for a charity 5k race through a co-worker in Illinois. I reluctantly agreed. In fact the morning of the race I lay in bed and was hoping that she would either forget or wouldn't have the motivation to drive the two hours to Champaign. Its not that I was out of shape so much as I certainly was not a runner. I had been playing a lot of tennis and been cycling on and off for years. Kate it turned out was motivated.

The thing about that first race was that it became about just finishing without walking. What motivated me to keep going was a high school football team in the race that wasn't capable of that same feat. I was determined not be beat by a bunch of teenage so-called athletes. I finished my first 5k in 32.20 (twice the time as the winner) but ahead of most of the football players.

My muscles were more sore after that first three miles than after thirteen  now. I started running and found a peaceful solitude as well as a sense of community at the races. I finished 2011 with 130 miles. In 2012 I ran four half marathons, many 5k's and 10k's as well as two duathlons. I have logged 430 miles since I started keeping track. My 1/2 marathon PR is 2.06. I plan to break 2 hrs. this spring.

Below GO STL 1/2 Marathon

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